
I am leaving on a book promotional tour of England and will be there from mid August, so unfortunately I will not be available for personal meeting in New Zealand for some time to come. I deal with many clients by email, telephone, SKYPE and WhatsApp so please do contact me via one of those means of communication. The contact details are at the bottom of this page, and you can email me via the Contact Page on this website. | Nanny A. van den Oever " Thank you so very much for your talk on numbers, your talk I feel I enjoyed the most out of the 8 hours I spent at the festival. It was a privilege to meet you and I look forward to follow through on my personal year number in the forthcoming year." Lesley, Auckland | 
Best Life on book promotion tour of England Tel : 0275 733 446 SKYPE : bestlifenanny Also available on WhatsApp
